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Day 1
Far From Finished: +++ (main stage too big for band)
Riverboat Gamblers: ++++ (stage lacking things to climb on, Mike Wiebe needs that!!!)
Joey Cape: ++ (bit boring)
Pulley: ++++ (energetic and fun to watch)
The Kids: +++++ (rock 'n' roll)
Pennywise: ++++ (welcome back)
Rocket From the Crypt: +++ (bad sound)
Turbonegro: +++ (missed the rough edges)

Day 2
Flag: +++ (pity of the sound problems in the beginning. Morris overdid it a bit sometimes)
Bad Religion: +++++ (songs stand the test of downsizing the band... they always have fun when playing and it shows)

+++++++ for fucking punk luck on day 2 to bump into Daniel, a Portugese punk rocker who's living in the Netherlands and whom I met last year in London at the Richie Ramone & Ramonas show.

Check it out! Our friends at Primitive Sounds Studios are ready to rrrrrrrumble!

Today, it was 37 years ago the Ramones released their debut self-titled album... hooray for changing music and making it exciting again!

Rock 'n' roll!